Montanita is a coastal town that attracts alot of surfers, the beach was way too crowded for us, so we hopped in cabs and went to Olon to sit and enjoy the lovely sand and waves during the day, and in the evenings we would roam the streets of Montanita trying to capture pictures of the locals. They came in all shapes, sizes and colors, but almost all seemed to go to the same hairdresser. Pics explain. Montanita locals
Us in the beach in Olon, the first day it was a little overcast, but still beautiful
In Olon I bought a "hippie necklace from a nice little guy, and we sat around and drank Inca Cola's delivered to our little beach Cabana by the guy pictured below, we didn't speak Spanish, he didn't speak English, but everyday we managed to communicate just fine.
Here is a frigate bird from Isla Del La Plata
A Red Footed Boobie
Oscar was completely freaked out walking around the town in Montanita, there were a MILLION stray dogs and of course the hippies scared him too. LOL. Michael fit right in with his hippie shoulder bag with Oscar hanging out of it. A little boy wanted to buy Oscar, he offered us $2.00 for him.
Tomorrow is fly fishing in the Caja's Mountains